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Reported location of members near 29.6 degrees N, 98.9 degrees W.

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 Legend: WebLink=WebLink   Red Coach moved in last 24 hours.   elec=Elec Hookup   help=Member Help   6 Members Shown  

EMailNoteUser IDNameZoom ToCoachLatitudeLongitudeLast Updated
E-Mail Rick & Rosie Archie 73 Rick & Rosie Archie
 Fort R #5
00·LXI·43 32.72303N 97.43255W 14-Jul-2017
E-Mail John & Aleda Ellsworth 288 John & Aleda Ellsworth
 Color Us Gone
85·FC·35 34.23796N 102.74573W 12-Apr-2024
Working our way back to the left side of the Contential Divide.
Tonight in Muleshoe, Texas, tomorrow in Albuquerque, NM.
Question. Does anyone else use this?

John & Aleda Ellsworth. A wide body living in a narrow bus. Charter member of the fitness avoidance program.

E-Mail Jimmy and Sally Crossley 456 Jimmy and Sally Crossley
94·BMC·37 32.49652N 94.42894W 12-Apr-2023
Sojourners’ Camp Bee (

574 James/Kori Peterson
78·FC·31 32.84570N 94.65230W 20-Oct-2020
Give a call if you need help. 858-829-6065.

591 kgk
20·SOB·44 33.23040N 96.89929W 15-Apr-2024
Shady Creek RV Retreat, Aubrey, TX for 3 nights

97·SOB·41 26.06732N 97.20511W 14-Apr-2024
14 Apr (Sun): Port Isabel, TX. A recent news review found I’d missed “Siblings Day”. Chagrined at my oversight, I immediately sent a loving note to my dear sister, Peg, in Montana, and then set out to ensure such an oversight would never again occur. Internet research found just about every day, week or month is officially set aside to note, celebrate or honor something. Next year I’ll not miss “Siblings Day” as I now know it’s sandwiched between “National Donut Hole Day” and “International Nose Hair Week".

Click HERE to update your location.

About the BBird Maps: These maps are available for the use of members of Membership is free, and anyone can join who has an interest in Blue Birds. In general, those shown on the map are owners of Blue Bird Motor Coaches, and they frequently travel about North America. If you would like to become a member, full information is available HERE.

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